Bargersville VISION 2040 Comprehensive Plan – Adopted Plan


Bargersville VISION 2040 Comprehensive Plan – Adopted Plan

The Bargersville VISION 2040 Comprehensive Plan was officially adopted on July 14, 2020. The plan includes a vision statement, goals, strategies and actions steps to guide growth and development in Bargersville over the next 20 years. To view the plan, please reference the documents provided below.


You’ve shared your ideas for the future, the biggest challenges that Bargersville will need to overcome, and the greatest opportunities for the Town. Now its time to review the draft vision statement, overarching goals, and objective statements developed based on your feedback. Take this 15 minute survey and share with us your comments and feedback on these plan elements and help us prioritize objectives.


The Town of Bargersville is in the second phase of the planning process for the Bargersville VISION! 2040 Comprehensive Plan. This phase follows the visioning phase of the process, which included a pop-up booth at the Harvest Moon Festival, public workshop, online survey, online engagement, and focus group meetings. The second public workshop will be held on December 3rd from 6:00-8:00 pm at the Walnut Grove Elementary School (4079 N Rd 500 W, Bargersville, IN) and will present the draft vision statement, overarching goals, and recommendations for the plan. Similar to the visioning workshop, this workshop will also be a family-friendly open house format where participants can attend at any point during the allotted time-frame and stay as long as they are able to.The goal of the open house is to obtain feedback on the presented materials as well as which recommendations for Bargersville should be prioritized.  

The Bargersville Vision! 2040 Comprehensive Plan identifies long-range goals and objectives related to community elements such as land use, transportation, utility infrastructure, economic development, quality of life, housing, parks, and more.Following this public workshop, the plan will be drafted and provided to the public for review and comment. The plan is anticipated to be completed early 2020.

Public Workshop Summary

On Thursday, October 3rd, the Town of Bargersville hosted a public workshop for the Bargersville VISION 2040 Comprehensive Plan. This was the second public meeting held during this first phase of the planning process.

The first opportunity to provide input was held during the Harvest Moon Fall Festival on Saturday, September 21st from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. This meeting was an open house format, held at the White River Township Public Library where attendees could stop by at any point during the allotted time (6:00-8:00 PM).

The workshop included three stations. The first two stations provided information about the planning process and an existing conditions snapshot of Bargersville. Click here for Public Meeting Station 1 & 2 Files.

The final station included several exercises for community members to participate in. These included:

  • a visual preference survey for development types in Bargersville;
  • mapping exercises to identify areas appropriate for certain types of uses; and
  • post-it note exercises where participants could identify their big idea for Bargersville, what they would change about Bargersville, and what they would preserve about Bargersville.

If you missed this opportunity to provide input – please take our online survey and/or send us comments through the Facebook Page or this website. We will also have another public meeting in December.


The Town of Bargersville invites you to attend a Public Workshop for the Bargersville VISION! 2040 Comprehensive Plan.

Bargersville, IN – The Town will be hosting a public visioning workshop on October 3rd from 6:00 -8:00 pm at the White River Township Public Library (664 Library Blvd, Greenwood, IN) to gather community input for the Bargersville VISION! 2040 Comprehensive Plan.The goal of this plan is to shape a vision for the future of Bargersville and identify long-range goals and objectives related to community elements such as land use, transportation, utility infrastructure, economic development, quality of life, housing, parks, and more.The comprehensive plan will be developed over a 6-month time period through ideas and feedback from the community, an existing conditions analysis, and professional direction.

The Town has hired consultants Taylor Siefker Williams Design Group and VS Engineering to facilitate the planning process for the plan, which will include several opportunities for community engagement. These opportunities include a project website and Facebook page, online survey, focus group meetings, community outreach event and other engagement opportunities to be held later in the process.

The workshop on October 3rd will be a family-friendly open house format where participants can attend at any point during the allotted time-frame and stay as long as they are able to. “This is an opportunity for Town residents to share their vision for the future of Bargersville. This comprehensive plan will help guide the Town’s decisions as we plan for Bargersville’s growth and development. We invite all of Bargersville’s residents, business owners, landowners, employees, students and other groups to take part in this process. The Bargersville VISION! 2040 comprehensive plan will help us create a successful future for Bargersville and ensure that the Town continues to be a great place to live and do business,” said Julie Young, Town Manager. At the conclusion of the first public workshop, the Town will launch an online survey to further capture ideas and feedback from community members who are not able to attend. For more information about the Bargersville VISION! 2040 Comprehensive Plan or to find information for upcoming engagement opportunities, please visit